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Game Engineer Intern

May 2024 - August 2024

I joined the Arknights: Endfield team as a game engineer intern in summer 2024.


NYU Future Reality Lab

Student Researcher

Oct. 2023 - Present

I joined the NYU Future Reality Lab in Oct. 2023 with Prof. Ken Perlin as my advisor. I am actively conducting research on XR applications in game design and development.


NYU Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences

Student Researcher

May 2023 - Oct. 2023

ML-Based Terrain Generation with Prof. Gizem Kayar

•   Researched and designed algorithms to perform procedural terrain generation by sketches using CGAN

•   Evaluated possible machine learning techniques and conducted quantitative analyses of their performance

•   Implemented tools for generating sketches and for game engine - model communication


New York University

Teaching Assistant - CSCIUA-202 Operating Systems

Sep. 2024 - Dec. 2024

Teaching Assistant - CSCIUA-480 Computer Graphics

Jan. 2024 - May 2024

Teaching Assistant - GAMESUT-121 Intermediate Game Development

Sep. 2023 - Dec. 2023

Founder, Director

Sep. 2021 - Present

•    Founded the student-organized independent game studio in 2021 with 17 active members, 5 completed game projects, and 2 ongoing large-scale projects

•    Developed mature procedures and tools for professional game development and team management

Silverjay Studio

Silverjay Logo.png

Game Software Engineer Intern

May 2022 - Aug. 2022

•    Developed physics simulation, player behavior, and UI system for using Unity and C#

•    Implemented character AI using Behaviour Trees and Goal-Oriented Programming

•    Researched and developed effects for fog, water, and stars using Raymarching and Compute Shaders

•    Developed editor tool in Unity for editing character behavior state machines

Gameloft Inc.


NetEase Inc.

Game Client Engineer Intern

Aug. 2020 - Nov. 2020

•    Developed character clothing in NARAKA: Bladepoint using mass-spring systems for physics and multi-pass PBR shaders for realistic rendering

•    Developed UI and event systems for tutorial sessions

•    Optimized GC allocation using Unity Profiler and rendering overhead using Render Doc

•    Developed timeline editor tools to synchronize character animation, particle effects, and game logic

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